Toontown Felix Glittersprinkles

"Based on a dream"
So, Toontown.... an online game for children, now people all age groups play it. This is an experience with an old friend of mine... Felix GlitterSprinkles. He looks like Coach Z who is founded in Daisy's Gardens but my friend has blue shoes and a fedora. This all starts out with him teleporting me to my estate. "Felix GlitterSprinkles is visiting you" wait, but he hasn't played Toontown since he became a 125 laffer. He came out suprisingly the same toon he was only with the new items. Probably I had never knew Felix was online. He asked me in Speed chat "Let's go fight the CEO" I told him "Sorry I can't" he kept on telling me. He finally used Speed Chat Plus. "I AM GOING TO DIE YOU THEN" because of Disney's limitations, he said "Die" instead of "Kill" the thing is... Glitter does not know where I live. He then logs off. The next day, I had met him in my Estate again in my house. Things start to get weird here. He then starts to pull out a sharp knife out of nowhere. How does he get this? It is not even avalible at the game. so, he chases me with the knife. When I got out of the door, all of my friends were blocking my way. They were watching me... even those who were offline.. strangly, the pink cat was... smoking? This is a Disney game. Why is it there? Felix starts to do the throwing animation with the knife held stabbing me in the head loosing all 50 of my laff. After the sad animation ended I have been teleported in my house again. This time, the duck was staring at me with a pie model next to him. He then asks me to eat it because it refills my laff I then start to do the Play Dead frame then get banned after it was finished. I get the banned report reciept #1030402 I tried logging on again, I have been redirected to Disney's site with the regular ban message with a moderator note....
"We have recently caught you hacking into Toontown looking into unused animations, and bringing your friend and hacking him in front of millions of Toons. Thank you for ruining the community for all of us. You no longer allowed to watch anything Disney related, or go to any Walt Disney attraction parks. Thank you for nothing.
~ The Disney team"
I was banned forever....